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Registered Nutritional Therapist Alison has given us her top 7 steps to a gentle cleanse, perfect to do in line with spring!

Drink 2 litres of water a day

This will help to flush out toxins and help bowel movements. Start the day with hot water and a slice of lemon (or just hot water). Fill up a drinking bottle with filtered water (hot or cold) to sip through the day

Drink 2 litres of water a day

This will help to flush out toxins and help bowel movements. Start the day with hot water and a slice of lemon (or just hot water). Fill up a drinking bottle with filtered water (hot or cold) to sip through the day

Eat plenty of fibre

Eating plenty of fibre will ensure regular bowel movements to help eliminate toxins. Examples of good fibre include:- oats, fruit and vegetables, nuts, seeds, ground flaxseed, lentils, beans.

Increase your vegetables

Add in lots of vegetables to your meals and snacks (aim for 8 -10 different types per day). Have 1 or 2 pieces or fruit too, these are high in nutrients and a good source of fibre. 

Stuck for ways to squeeze more veggies in? Here are some ideas for you to try....

At breakfast time add 1 portion fruit – for example some berries or a chopped apple, pear or kiwi (add to smoothie/granola/porridge)
For lunch you can get 4-5 veggies in.  Vegetable soup, veggie sticks, vegetable juice, salad (eg grated carrot, beetroot, sauerkraut, lettuce, chicory, cucumber, tomato, chopped fennel, radish, peppers etc)  – all delicious adding in to your lunch meal.
For snack time have a piece of fruit and a few nuts or a spoonful of almond  or peanut butter.
For dinner add in 4-5 veggies with your meal. 

Add in some Super Greens

Chlorella, spirulina, barley grass and wheatgrass are cleansing and alkalising and can be used individually or as a combination Add them to granola, soaked oats, a smoothie or just into water and drink as a shot of greens.

Swap out your favourite brew

Replace your coffee and regular tea with green tea, Matcha tea or herbal teas. To avoid 'withdrawal' headaches, reduce your regular tea or coffee by 1 cup every few days and keep your caffeinated beverages to the morning only.

Be naturally sweet

Replacing refined sugars with natural sweeteners is easy. You can use cinnamon, berries, grated apple, ½ banana, a little xylitol or stevia as alternatives which all give sweetness to drinks, foods, and desserts!

Say goodbye to alcohol

Fermented drinks - such as kombucha - are a delicious alternative to wine, as are cooled herbal drinks served over ice, sparkling water and fresh sliced citrus fruits. Kombucha and kefir support a calm digestive system.

Want some advice on the right way to cleanse?
Book your FREE Health Advice Check-In here. Registered Nutritional Therapist Alison is available to talk you through your health questions, and offer bespoke advice for you and your family.