In all my years at Inside Out Health, if there was one product that we have had consistently good feedback on it is magnesium.
It is not surprising when you know that Magnesium works in over 300 ways in the body and that 80% of us may be deficient in this mineral.
Magnesium is known as nature’s natural tranquilizer. It is a muscle relaxant. We have had great feedback from customers using it for a range of health issues – firstly all the m’s!
- Migraines
- Muscle cramps
- Monthly cycle symptoms
- Menopause
Plus, Magnesium is key for
- Sleep and anxiety
- Regular bowel movement
Magnesium also plays a key role in heart health, including heart rhythm and blood pressure.
Different forms of magnesium
Magnesium is a large molecule so it is difficult to get a therapeutic amount in one capsule, so you might need to take two or three. It is also important to take it in a form that the body can use. Magnesium as a citrate or bisglycinate are forms we find are better absorbed, and our customers find these more effective.
We often suggest taking magnesium at night as it is an aid to relaxation, which can help with a good night’s sleep. If taking the citrate form of Magnesium this can also help with a regular bowel movement the following morning.
Team Choice

BioCare's Magnesium Phospholipid Complex is Kate's choice as a good "two in one" product – magnesium citrate plus phosphatidylserine . This is giving support for the nervous system and mental health, as high concentrations of phosphatidylserine are found in the brain and nerve cell membranes. Customers have found this to be an excellent product taken before bed when stress levels are high and it’s hard to switch off to go to sleep. In addition a lot of our female customers who are going through the menopause or are post menopausal have liked the addition of the phosphotidylserine for supporting brain function.

Joanna also recommends Viridian's Magnesium 300mg capsules. With these being higher potency, one capsules can work just as well as other brands where you need to take 2-3 capsules.
Personal experience
I don’t generally talk in these articles about my personal experiences but feel very strongly about the benefits of magnesium. Therefore I want to back this up with my personal experience. I have taken magnesium over the last nine years. As I went through the menopause, anxiety and headaches became symptoms I experienced. I believe by correcting my magnesium levels alongside a healthy diet, this enabled me to manage my symptoms and come out the other side relatively unscathed! I have shared this experience with many customers and it can be very reassuring when you have anxiety and/or regular headaches, to know that it may be caused by a nutrient deficiency and there is something you can potentially do about it.
I have been so happy to have returning customers give us their feedback on how their symptoms have diminished after taking magnesium, so much so it has become a fundamental supplement for me and many of our customers.