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Regular exercise, a good diet, zero stress and eight hours sleep every night – all simple to do, right? No. Not so much. 

It is impossible to have a 100% so called ‘perfect lifestyle’ – but there are ways to support your health.

The world of selfcare and wellbeing can be quite female-focused. Many of the conversations we have in store are about women’s health but over the last 12 months we have seen an increase in the advice being sought either by men, or from women on behalf of the boys and men in their lives. 
Having seen that men are a little more likely to talk to us about fixing a problem (maybe post injury, or in the throes of illness) in comparison to the more preventative approach  (such as maintaining or managing good health through nutrition) we have some excellent resources available. We welcome you to join us in store to talk about male health and we will help you make the best choices when it comes to diet, supplements and lifestyle.

What is male health all about?

The term ‘male health’ encompasses physical, emotional and mental health. We are not experts on it all, and we can’t cover all the areas here in this article, but I have summarised some of the most popular areas we talk about here in store.

When our digestion isn’t working properly  symptoms such as heartburn, bloating, wind, constipation and even food intolerances. This can also have a knock on effect to other areas of our health. 

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Feeling tired is really common and most people would like to have more energy. There are many reasons why we feel tired ranging from poor sleeping habits, lack of routine, poor diet, stress or lack of exercise. 

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Trouble dropping off can be torture, especially if your mind won’t stop whirring, or you simply can’t get comfortable. Other people find they do get plenty of sleep, but still feel groggy and tired the next day. If you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow perhaps you wake in the early hours and can’t get back into a deep slumber which can be super frustrating. Any of these troublesome sleep issues can cause havoc to our health both physical and mental.

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When we’re stressed it affects all other aspects of our health. Our body prioritises making stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) over other functions in the body, for a fight or flight response to the stress.

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There are lots of ways you can help ease the misery of joint pain, muscular discomfort and general achy bits. As always prevention is better than a cure – but it is easy to overdo it and not realise until you are hurting! 

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So many people have needed a helping hand recovering from COVID or other virus over the last 24  months – and if anything we are getting more and more people asking us for help. If you are struggling to regain your pre-virus energy levels or feeling fatigued in any way after any illness come in and talk to us. 

We have found that the very best feedback is coming from just a couple of products, or a combination of practitioner level supplements that people are telling us time and time again are helping them get back on their feet. Read on for details about these products if you re struggling with post-viral health issues, or you are currently fighting a virus.

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When the immune system is working well, we don’t even notice it is there. If it stops working properly, we notice as we can become ill, or feel ‘under the weather’. This is because the immune system is there to protect our bodies from germs, harmful substances and cell changes, all of which can make us poorly.

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Low sex-drive, hormonal changes and physical changes are not uncommon for men, but can be something they don’t feel comfortable talking about. 

We welcome Louis Soteriou, Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist for his advice and thoughts on testosterone and the role it plays in male health.




Book your FREE advice check-in with our registered Nutritional Therapists today using the form below, or call us on 01737 223499.

You can also pop by and see us in store. We always have a Nutritional Therapist onsite to offer advice and guidance, Monday to Saturday 9.30am to 5.30pm.

Briefly describe what you are seeking advice for, and any medications or supplements you are already taking.