Work started last weekend with a big tidy up. Having been a little neglectful over the last few months our allotment resembled something of a wild meadow (which of course is lovely for the birds and bugs!) however our neighbours were growing tired of the local fauna being attracted in to eat their veggies.
So, job one was to cut the dead stuff back, then cut and tidy the waist length grasses (while avoiding the frogs and creepy crawlies). With that done, it looked a whole lot more occupied so work on the beds was next.
We dug over three plots; one for wild flowers, one for potatoes and another for other veggies. Now I am not particularly green fingered, but last year we had great results with tomatoes and leafy greens so going to try again this year.
The weekend just gone saw us relocate our composter – as I didn’t do it last year, the earth in the bottom third of the container was well developed and full of worms! Beautiful rich dark soil now tops our wildflower bed and we have plenty more for the veggies too! A great job well done in the sunshine, on lockdown!