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Magnesium is one of our most popular supplements. This mineral is used in over 200 processes in the body and plays an important part in energy levels, sleep and stress.
Kate tells us why she chooses Terranova’s magnesium.
“I take this each evening – the pot sits on my bedside table, so my routine is to get ready for bed, take the three Terranova magnesium capsules, read for short while then sleep through the night!
If there is one supplement that has been the most useful for people over the last eleven years of me owning the shop and is usually a good starting point to resolve many of the issues people come in with, it is magnesium. BUT not all magnesium is the same. Often people tell me they are taking a multivitamin that includes magnesium – unfortunately this is unlikely to be enough as magnesium is a large molecule and very hard to get a beneficial level in a small capsule, let alone when it is in with other vitamins.
This is a popular product to try when you are struggling to sleep. I suggest starting with the 50 capsule size bottle which will give you a chance to see if you notice the benefits for sleep – take up to three to get a good therapeutic dose.”