After the indulgences of Christmas, many people think that January is a time when they should be plunging into a full detox, but in fact (for most people) this is not the best time. Use the earlier part of the new year to take a more gentle approach to cleansing and start cleaning up the diet first. Wait until the Spring, for a deeper cleanse or detox. When that time comes we will have all the information you need to help you!
So for those wanting a little helping hand in making changes towards a cleaner diet, our Nutritional Therapists have put together a ‘Resolve To’ programme. It consists of 4 sessions, each one 30 minutes, over a 2 month period. Each session in on a 1:1 basis with a Nutritional Therapist, who will guide you through the following areas:
Resolve To:
- Cut out sugar and eat for increased energy
- Eat the right type of fat (and know what fats to cook with)
- Increase fibre and hydrate
- Love your body from the outside in! (from products on your skin to those in your home). And look at 2 options for further cleansing, if you’d like to do that. Either (1) a gentle cleanse for 4 weeks or (2) a full detox programme for 2 weeks
Having gone through the ‘Resolve To’ programme you will be perfectly positioned to start a cleanse or detox programme.
The ‘Resolve To’ programmes are £30 a session (the same price as a mini consultation), so the total price for the Programme is £120, and this includes handouts. Please ask in store if you’d like any more information about these or would like to book yourself in for one.
In the meantime, here are just a few tips to get you started.
5 Top Tips for starting to clean the diet
1) Start the day with hot water and lemon – as a cleansing drink, to help flush away toxins.
2) Fill half your plate with vegetables – and add in a new vegetable each week for variety.
3) Switch to healthy sweeteners – use cinnamon, xylitol or stevia for natural sweetness. For healthy desserts try berries, grated apple, pomegranate, or chopped pear with vanilla coconut yoghurt (eg CoYo), or try raw chocolate coconut yoghurt (CoYo). You can even mash a few berries for a ‘jam’ to put on top of almond nut butter on toast at breakfast. Yum!
4) Replace coffee and tea – with herbal varieties, such as dandelion, chicory or barley for coffee alternatives, or herbal teas for tea substitutes. Rooibos with almond milk or green tea are good alternatives to regular tea, but there are so many to choose from come in and see the wide range we have to offer. You’re bound to find one you like!
5) Replace hot chocolate – with a spicy turmeric latte. We have some delicious ready made blends of turmeric and other spices, for sale in the shop. Add to non dairy milk (cashew nut milk works well) for a warming and comforting drink, that’s also sugar free and anti-inflammatory. Gorgeous!
A final thought
Whether you book on to one of the programmes or not, we can all ‘resolve to..’ do something better for our health, even if it’s just drinking more water or getting more sleep! So give yourself a manageable goal and ‘resolve to..’ do it. We will be here to support you!
All of us at Inside Out Health wish you a very healthy and happy New Year and we look forward to seeing you in 2018!