I think it’s safe to say that the weather has definitely changed into winter mode now and the colder, dark evenings have started to make an appearance. If you’re anything like me, then sometimes all you’ll want to do is curl up on the sofa under a big pile of blankets and hibernate, rather than braving the cold weather and venturing outside to exercise. If you’re feeling like this and maybe haven’t been sticking to your usual training regime lately or seem to be lacking in motivation, then don’t worry, you’re not alone! I’ve always suffered with low moods around this time of year when the weather changes and this is something that is very common and affects lots of people. I find that it’s really important not to let this drag you down, or allow you to feel badly about yourself. Living a healthy and active lifestyle is all about finding things that work best for you and that you can adapt to fit into your schedule and be a part of a permanent lifestyle. In today’s post, I wanted to share some of my top tips for winter workout motivation and beating those feelings of winter blues!
Join a class: Personally, I find that classes can be a great way to find motivation in the gym, as working out with other people often creates a really positive energy and buzz in the room. It can also be nice to follow a workout lead by an instructor if you don’t feel like planning your own training that day, or maybe need a bit of extra encouragement from another person. Another great thing about joining a fitness class is that you will often learn a lot, as everyone does things differently and this often applies to instructors. Everyone has a different style of teaching and will usually use different exercises and styles of moves as well, so it’s a great way to experiment and try something new.
Find a friend: Similarly to working out in a class, going to the gym or for a run with a friend can be a great motivator, as you have someone else to keep you accountable. If you decide at the last minute that you fancy spending the evening slumped in front of the tv rather than going to the gym, then that would mean leaving your friend to train alone; so if you have an arrangement then this might make you more likely to actually go. Having a training partner can also make the sessions more fun and an opportunity to socialise at the same time.
Get kitted out: Obviously you don’t have to be walking round in the latest top branded yoga pants to have a good workout, but I find that treating myself to some decent work out wear can make me feel more motivated to get into the gym and actually put it to good use. When you feel confident in how you look, then this can sometimes help to make you feel more confident in yourself. Also, if you’re going to be training outside, then it might also be a good idea to make sure that you’re stocked up on warm clothing like thermal tops and gloves!
Up and at it: Now that the evenings are getting darker a lot earlier, heading to the gym in the freezing cold after a long day at work might not really be what you fancy doing. Why not try getting your workout in when you wake up instead. this will then provide you with more free time in the evening and I also find that exercising in the morning leaves me feeling far more energised for the rest of the day. You can even train in your home and do a HIIT bodyweight workout, so you won’t even need to use a gym or equipment! There are lots of great recourses for these online and videos that you can watch and follow a long with. HIIT training is great for fat burning and general fitness and they can also be short 20 minute workouts, so are fairly easy to squeeze into your timetable.
Plan your time: This is something that I know I should definitely do more of and keep telling myself that I will! If you’re busy at work or just with life in general, then you might feel like you don’t have any spare time to fit in your fitness routine. Planning out your days and booking in your workouts is a great way to insure that you prioritise time for them and get them done. I find that this also applies to lots of different aspects in life and not just training; it really helps me to stay focussed on completing tasks and being as productive as I can be.