Stress is our body’s way of responding to any kind of demand or threat – this can be physical, emotional or imagined.
Our built-in defences go on high alert in a rapid, automatic process known as our stress response. This is often described as our ‘fight or flight’ mode. Although this is designed to protect us (and in many situations is does) chronic stress, or constant tension or anxiety can take a toll our our health; body and mind.
If you do feel stressed, you are not alone. It is believed that over 74% of UK adults have felt so stressed at some point, and have felt overwhelmed or unable to cope. (Cit.
There are many ways to support your emotional and physical wellbeing. You can speak to our team for advice by clicking the link below.
Managing exam stress!
There are some great natural products which are suitable for young people, to support their stress and anxiety levels. Here are some of our favourites, again which are popular with customers: Theanine and lemon balm – theanine (from tea) and lemon balm, have both been shown to have a calming effect.
Top Tips on Stress & Anxiety
When we’re stressed it affects all other aspects of our health. Our body prioritises making stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) over other functions in the body, for a fight or flight response to the stress. Over a prolonged period of time stress can have a very negative impact on many
Mental health awareness has definitely become more prominent recently and has largely been helped by the Heads Together campaign, from the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry. Dr Chatterjee, from the ‘Doctor in the House’ programmes, also covered mental health in a recent episode, highlighting the important role that